"Marquis versus Thomson on Abortion" An essay detailing two arguments for and against abortion, and how Marquis presents a stronger theory.

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"Marquis versus Thomson on Abortion" The debate about abortion focuses on two issues; 1.) Whether the human fetus has the right to life, and, if so, 2.) Whether the rights of the mother override the rights of the fetus. The two ethicists who present strong arguments for their position, and who I am further going to discuss are that of Don Marquis and Judith Thomson. Marquis' "Future Like Ours" (FLO) theory represents his main argument, whereas, Thomson …

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…see that Marquis' arguments provide a more concrete foundation for an argument against abortion. Marquis uses arguments that relate to everyday life, such as that about the wrongness of killing. However, Thomson has to use these far-fetched analogies, that no way are real to our way of living, such as that of a unconscious violinist or peopleseeds. Therefore, I conclude that Marquis' argument against abortion is a stronger one than that of Thomson's for it.