Marketing plan for shoes company -New Balance

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Pages: 32
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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
1.<Tab/>Introduction Founded by William Riley in 1906 as the New Balance Arch Company, in Belmont, MA, New Balance manufactured arch supports and orthopedic shoes. During the fifties and sixties, athletes turned to the company for customized running shoes due to New Balance's unique expertise in handcrafting specialized footwear. Paul Kidd bought the company in 1956 and increased the shoe-making sector as demand grew. Production of running shoes soon became the company's primary …

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…an obvious shelf in retailer's shop. Then, we need to increase our distribution channels in order to ensure 1221 will be available at anytime and any place. Feedback Collect sales information from the retailers to know where the market potential is high in other places apart from our distribution channel. These results will be helpful for the company to know where there is more potential for the product and will be helpful in reaching the customers.