Marketing plan for malaysian airlines

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
HIGHER NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN COMPUTING AND BUSINESS APPLICATION MARKETING PLAN FOR MALAYSIAN AIRLINE SYSTEM BERHAD Prepared For : Datuk Mohamed Nor Yusof Prepared By : Amit Sharma and Prashant Thukur Report Date : 15th Dec 2003 CONTENTS 1.Executive Summary 2.Introduction 3.Situational analysis 4.Objective *Short Term ( 1 year) *Long Term ( 3 year) 5.Strategy 6.Tactics 7.Action Plan 8.Controls 9.Contribution of eMarketing 1.0 Executive summary In Malaysian airlines marketing plan, we have highlighted its key areas by examining its strength and weaknesses. According to Mr. …

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…the internet has become one of the most powerful marketing tool available for business of all sizes. As in the case of MAS ,it 85% of business comes from travel agent,50% comes though the CRSs therefore it incurs an average cost of US$ 3.80 and rest comes through MAS's own network(KOMMAS). With e-marketing MASs can provide airline tickects through credit card over the internet and the customer will be offered insurance through dedicated independent Financial advisors.