Marketing Plan for a Beijing Property.

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Pages: 18
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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Table of Contents 1.Executive Summary1 2.Situation Analysis1 2.1Market Summary1 2.1.1 Market Demographics1 2.1.2 Market Supply3 2.1.3 Market Demand4 2.2Product Analysis5 2.2.1 Situation and Locality5 2.2.2 Description7 2.2.3 The Site7 2.2.4 The Development Scheme7 2.2.5 Accommodation7 2.3Product Offering9 2.4Competitive Analysis9 2.5Environmental Analysis10 2.5.1 Economic Analysis10 2.5.2 Legal Analysis10 2.5.3 Political Analysis11 2.5.4 Social Analysis12 2.5.5 Technology Analysis12 2.6SWOT Analysis13 2.6.1 Strengths13 2.6.2 Weaknesses14 2.6.3 Opportunities14 2.6.4 Threats14 3.Marketing Strategy15 3.1Marketing Objectives15 3.2Financial Objectives15 3.3Target Markets15 3.3.1 Demographic15 3.3.2 Behavior15 3.3.3 Psychographics16 3.4Positioning16 3.5Strategies16 3.6Marketing Mix18 3.6.1Product18 3.6.2Pricing19 3.6.3Placing19 3.6.4Promotion19 4.Financials20 4.1Break-even Analysis20 4.2Revenue Forecast20 4.3Cost Forecast23 4.4…

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…ep-0260 Event - top up ceremony28-Apr-0228-Apr-02180 Total6,430 5.2Marketing Organization Mr. Tong, marketing director of the group, is one of the primarily responsible for the marketing activities. As he has a team of marketing staff, only the design, artwork and printing process will depends on outside resources. In view of no other project to be release during 2002, thus no additional staff is to be employed even a number of special events throughout the year.