Marketing Mix - MKT / 421 - UOP

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > International
Marketing Mix Since the marketing mix paradigm was introduced by Borden in 1964 and honed to the 4Ps by McCarthy, marketing mix is an idea, which influenced as well as divided by the marketing professionals. The original theory was developed by Borden and later it was reduced to four basic elements: Product, Place, Promotion, and Price (Perreault, McCarthy, J. 2004 pg. 38). The theory is based on the consideration of the target market. Marketing professionals must recognize and …

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…Doyle, P. (2001) Shareholder-value-based brand strategies, Henry Stewart Publications 1350-231X Brand Management VOL. 9, NO. 1, 20-30 September 2001, retrieved at December 5, 2005 from Perreault, William D., Jr. & McCarthy, E. Jerome, Basic Marketing (15th ed.) McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2005 New York, NY, retrieved at December 5, 2005 from Review-Journal, Las Vegas, Real Estate, November 5, 2005, retrieved at December 5, 2005 from