Marketing: Business Transactions Log ; Marketing Concepts

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
1 (Satisfying, Paintball Junkies) My friend Rey De Vera, a new paintball supply retailer and proprietor of 511 Paintball in Montclair, didn't have enough capital to make huge investment in buying large amounts of product to stuff his shelves to sell. In particular he was looking for a paintball equipment manufacturer who can make paintball products easily available and at the lowest cost. He made contracts with Paintball Junkie's to be the manufacturer's retailer. In his contract …

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…passes discounts the price. And the price even lowers as the year progresses. For people who can't ride all the rides the first time they go it's essential for them to purchase a season pass. Magic Mountain knows that because their park is so widely visited park visitors will demand highly a second visit and markets these discounted passes as promotions for extra revenue as way to deal with this issue, which is really ingenious.