Market evaluation of China

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Transportation
China, with a population of more than one billion people, is a country full of marketing potential. With so many possible consumers, it would seem like any product could reach its target audience. However, with a country so rich in history and culture, there are many factors to be considered by marketers. Some of the most important and influential elements (the currency system, market agreements, and environmental factors of the country) must be further examined. …

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…This is exactly what any company entering the Chinese market should focus on. By keeping disputes to a minimum, your company's success in the Chinese market is that much more probable. Sources: Barclay, Reg. China's Market Potential is Tantalizing. 2003 Journal. 1996. Barme, Geremie R. In The Red. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999. "China and Hong Kong: One Country Two Markets." FAS online. 13 Dec. 1999. "China" CIA World Fact book. 2000. 19 Mar. 2002