Mark Udall, political science, election process, constituancey, qoutes from Richard F Fenno, Jr.s 'The American Political Science Review.

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Deena Cimmet Paper Assignment 4/10/2003 Based on Richard F Fenno, Jr.s 'The American Political Science Review,' congressmen base their presentation of self through their perception of their district constituency, "...The constituency a representative reacts to is the constituency he or she sees (Fenno, 883)." Once the congressman can understand the particulars of specific towns in their district, he can then begin to shape his presentation of self, and form the bonds of trust with their …

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…rong sense of constituency identification, a variety of styles, and the fact that the 2nd district is relatively homogenous, Mr. Udall is politically guarded from hot button issues. These facts allow Mr. Udall to pursue a neutral agenda of political activities, enabling him to remain buoyant throughout his term, and in the elections to come. In light of this conclusion, one may assess that Mr. Udall is able to effectively fulfill the definition of representative.