Mark Twain's "The Man Who Corrupted Hadleyburg.

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
In "The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg," Mark Twain explores many weaknesses of human nature. Hadleyburg was a town, noted, praised and envied of the citizens honesty and incorruptibility, until a single man corrupted and surfaced weaknesses of individuals and the community as a whole. Dishonesty, greed and falling into temptation are the stories greatest examples of human weakness. From these three sprout many more, all in all adding up to a total corruption. Dishonesty is …

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…the truth of Rev. Mr. Burgess's innocence, though it ended being no favor to Mr. Burgess. Twain uses "The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg" to explore a lot of weaknesses of human nature. In general, we all want what we don't have. This causes us to be dishonest with ourselves and others. We'll do what ever it takes in order to satisfy our greedy temptations. Everyone has the ability to be corrupted, it's only human nature