Mark Twain's Masterpiece "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"

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Mark Twain and his masterpiece The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ________ A Research Paper Presented to Mr. Neil of Chula Vista High School ________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for English 10 Honors/Gate ________ By: Id #: 937228 May 16, 1996 Outline I. Samuel Clemens A. Who he is B. Where he was born C. Family II. How Samuel came to be Mark Twain A. His working life B. First writings III. The Adventures of Huck Finn A. Story Plot 1. The …

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…life. He is looking too hard. Mark Twain has been a famous writer for a long time and he will always be looked back on as one of the best American writers not just of his time but, through out history. If you read one of his books I wouldn't recommend reading it for some deep meaning because I do bot believe that you will find one. Just read for the fun of it. P.6