Mark Twain - The Prince and the Pauper

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Essay Database > Literature > English
A story of 2 boys, who were born the same day namely John Canty and Edward Tudor. John Canty was a poor boy while Edward Tudor was the Prince of Whales, inheritor of the glorious throne. One time when the two boys met, they exchanged lives. Not literally, but they were look alikes, Edward Tudor imagined of the life outside the castle walls while John Canty dreamed of becoming of a prince with so many guards …

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…like a real prince. But when the king was dying. John Canty was about to receive the crown when Edward Tudor protested that he was the real Prince of Whales. But he doesn't have any proof that he was, and so, someone asked him to give something that will prove Edward Tudor was the real prince. Until, then, Edward Tudor complied with what they ask for, and proved that he was worthy of the thrown.