Mark McGuire

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
This is a He's 6'5, and roughly 250lbs, his name is Mark McGwire and the record is his 70 homeruns, shattering the old record held by the Minnesota native named Roger Maris. On the Major League Baseball's final day of the season Mark McGwire hit two mammoth homeruns to give him 70 on the year, an astonishing 1 home run in every 7.3 at bats. Mark started this quest for the record early in spring training, setting his mind …

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…said and done Mark hit 62 homeruns in 145 games, his homeruns traveled a total of 26394 feet or 4.99 miles, for an average of 427.7 feet per homerun. Even though Mark set the record with 70 homeruns Sammy also broke Maris' record with 65 homeruns. That was truly the best season in along time, Mark and Sammy put Major League Baseball on their backs and resuscitated it. Making baseball the talk of the town all over the countr! y. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**