Marine Sniper: 93 Confirmed Kills by Charles Henderson. Essay is general description of the idea of the book and what kind of audience the author intended for.

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Charles Henderson's Marine Sniper: 93 Confirmed Kills, is a dramatic true story of a Vietnam hero. Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock was one of the first snipers welcomed into the marine core at the height of conflict in the Vietnam War. Charles Henderson tells Hathcock's story from when he first shot a gun to his unforgettable tale of how he stalked and killed over 93 Viet Cong behind enemy lines. Charles really shows that a Sniper is a …

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…job bringing out Carlos' story of his tour in Vietnam. He actually takes you with Carlos on his incredible journey from Hill 55 and the forests of Vietnam, to the hospital beds where he fought severe burns, and makes you enjoy every step of the way. The tension intensifies as Carlos waits, as you wait, for the next victim to step into the scope, and for the sniper's creed to come alive; "One Shot, One Kill."