Marilyn Monroe

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Marilyn Monroe <Tab/>Marilyn Monroe was a great American idol. Women wanted to be her, and men wanted to be with her. Although she died at a young age, Marilyn led a very fulfilling life. She made numerous movies, appeared in countless magazines, and made a huge impact on the average American's life. <Tab/>Marilyn was born on June 1st, 1926 as Norma Jeane Mortensen at a hospital …

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…in the country looked up to her, and wanted to be her. She also made it more okay for people in the public to be more risque in the way they carried out their lives. <Tab/>In conclusion, Marilyn Monroe was a big star. In her short life, she made a very big impact on American society. Through her work in movies and magazines she quite possibly changed American lives forever.