Marijuana- The myths are hazardous to your health

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
I am often exasperated by the way both proponents and opponents in the marijuana debate use - and abuse - science in defending their positions. Marijuana has been studied in detail; there is a scientific literature on how it acts and the possible adverse effects of long-term use. The claims that marijuana has important medical applications have been researched also, albeit less thoroughly. Isn't it about time a scientist spoke up for what he perceives …

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…medical use of cannabis are not commensurate with the seriousness of the offence. There is a case for relaxing some of the current criminal restrictions on cannabis use, but not for outright legalization. Although many people have decided to ignore our present laws, the topic of marijuana is almost taboo. When politicians discuss it at all, they only reiterate the platitudes of the past. Is it not about time that these questions were debated openly?