Margaret Atwood - relationship between three of her poems.

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Margaret Atwood is a Canadian poet, novelist, and critic, noted for her feminism and mythological themes. She was born in 1939 in Ottawa, about the same time World War 2 started. Her life was lived in a time of male dominance, which she did not like. She expressed her views of this by writing, and her writings showed many of the feminine views that she believes in. According to a reviewer, Atwood's writings are obtained from the "…

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…wilderness and nature, which has influenced her writing today. The first poem is similar to the other poems because it shows that the women have finally stood up for themselves and is now in control. Her feminist views are influenced by the time period that these poems were written in. During the late sixties and early seventies, there was a strong feminist uprising making the women realize that they were like being treated like slaves.