Marcus Crassus

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Marcus Crassus In the Roman era there were many great noble men but one in particular stands out named Marcus Licinius Crassus. He rose to power quickly and became the wealthiest man in Rome. He became colleagues with Caesar and Pompey and helped them achieve the high status that they had. He did not have a good childhood and came from a poor family. This mad the wealth and prestige that he gained that much …

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showed last 75 words of 1867 total
…The ways in which he attained his wealth may not have been credible but it was smart. He formed the first fire brigade and led the way for firefighters today. Crassus also helped Caesar gain power and become the person he was. All together many things today would have been different if Crassus was not alive. His life had a bitter beginning and end but he influenced many people over the course of his life.