Marco Polo's Influence on Christopher Columbus...

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Essay Database > History > European History
Marco Polo's Travels formulated in Europe of the fourteenth and fifteenth century a new perception of the Eastern world, a world just as advanced and sophisticated as that of the West. Yet, another two centuries were needed for a significant change to take place; this was Christopher Columbus' voyage. For Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo's travelogue was a valuable and solid resource that contained the necessary details of the East. The geographical descriptions in his writing …

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…as a basis for Christopher Columbus's achievement and the Age of Discovery. Columbus may have formulated a flawed theory of the world, but it was convincing enough for the princes who bought into it. This surely could not have been done without evidence found in Marco Polo's book. Without Marco Polo, there would not have been Columbus, and furthermore, no America. Marco Polo's possibly false information has made one of the biggest changes in history.