Mao Zedong and China's Communist Revolution.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Weakened by imperialism at the end of the twentieth century, control of China's massive size became an increasingly difficult task for it's monarchial government to undertake. Western conflict spurred exponential increases in political philosophy and technological advancement, while China's peasant populace remained politically powerless. China's lack of involvement left it's government struggling to maintain a foothold on the security of it's borders and economy while also maintaining it's more than 4,000 year old culture. The Chinese …

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…are a pond..." in which the Red soldiers are fish swimming among it, and in which Mao Zedong's soul belonged to. Works Cited DeLuca, Anthony R. Gandhi, Mao, Mandela, and Gorbachev: Studies in Personality, Power, and Politics. 2000. Praeger: Westport, Connecticut. McKay, John P. et al. A History of World Societies, Volume C. 2004. Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston, Massachusetts. Pye, Lucian W. Mao Tse-tung: The Man in the Leader. 1976. Basic Books, Inc, Publishers: New York, New York.