Man’s Journey into Self in Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now

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…this world of horror... The Horror! Works Cited 1. Apocalypse Now. Dir. Francis Coppola. With Martin Sheen, Robert Duval, and Marlon Brando. Zeotrope, 1979. 2. Conrad, James. Heart of Darkness and Other Tales. Great Britain, BPC paperbacks ltd. 1990. 3. Hearts of Darkness. Dir. Fax Bahr, George Hickenlooper. Paramount, 1991. 4. "HEARTS OF DARKNESS -- A FILMMAKER'S APOCALYPSE.", Magill's Survey of Cinema, 6-15-1995. 5. Worthy, Kim, "Hearts of Darkness: Making art, making history, making money, making `Vietnam'.".,Vol. 19, Cineaste, 12-01-1992, pp 24.