Many Americans are Becoming Anti-American

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Essay Database > History > North American History
In today's modern times, it is becoming more and more evident amongst Americans that the amount of anti-Americanism is growing. From what the evidence has shown, it is clear that this wave of resentment for American policy is rooted in the presidency of George W. Bush and the United States' government in general. Americans are less trustworthy of their government because of the activities of the Bush Administration, such as those having to do with …

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…he is not doing enough to support their beliefs and ideals. In a country that is ever so divided in the realm of personal political beliefs one thing is unavoidably present: in the words of Abraham Lincoln, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." This is almost too realistic today, as patriotism seems unthinkable in the United States of America, a nation that has seemed to loose support due to the choices of President Bush.