"Manufacturing Consent": Noam Chompsky and the Media.

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The title of the film, "Manufacturing Consent" is a term given to explain the process by which the distribution of ideas and stories are purposely constructed to control the resulting beliefs held by the masses that watch and consume those stories. The consent of the people and the general public is the consent, or opinions being manufactured by the government, and the political system. Their intentions are such that they can manufacture the consent of …

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…long-term goals and visions you have in mind, but even if that's what you're focused on, you're going to have to take steps towards them. The steps can be in all kinds of directions, from caring about starving children in Central America or Africa, to working on the rights of working people in America, to worrying about the fact that the environment's in serious danger. "There's no one thing that's the right thing to do."