Manifestation of American Cult

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Essay Database > History
During World War II, many groups of Americans, including Mexican Americans, African Americans, and Japanese Americans were mistreated during the war. During the war, in the Zoot Suit Riots, some elements of the California press had been portraying Mexican Americans as unwelcome foreigners. Bands of hundreds of sailors, marines, and soldiers went through Hispanic neighborhoods in Los Angeles, looking for Mexican American young men in zoot suits to beat them and arrest them. Many African …

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…than men, and subjected to sexual harassment. Although America is known as the land of the free, it is far from that as we have seen above. Throughout history, America has time and again imposed oppression on different groups of people, be it Mexican, African American, Japanese, Irish, Chinese, or even women. Apparently, this behavior is part of American culture and war was only a pretense for all the hatred and discrimination that took place.