Manifest destiny.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
In the 1800 - 1850's, the United States was at a pivotal state. We were still finding ourselves; it was the teenage years of our nation. A lot of changes were occurring and citizens were still unsure of how the United States would turn. Bad decisions were made; experiences teach us what to do and how not to do it. Ultimately we become torn on issues on basic issues not addressed in the Constitution. Events that …

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…constructive we achieved great things. The westward expansion was successful; the eligible voting population was at an all time high before the Civil War. 80% of voters actually voted a ratio that can't even be duplicated today. In our single downward spiral that would ultimately result in the skill we would need too many things contributed, but we came all alright. We became a prosperous adult, but lets just hope we don't have a midlife crisis.