"Mandragora" written by David McRobbie.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
M A N D R A G O R A David McRobbie's Mandragora (Mammoth Australia) is another contemporary novel with links to a historic shipwreck, the sinking of the Dunarling. Adam and Catriona have found a cache of four small dolls made from mandrake roots. The dolls were left in the cave by two other teenagers, Jamie and Margaret, who had survived the wreck of the Dunarling. Transcribing a diary from that same voyage, Adam …

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…graves where a few victims were buried, and find out more about the story. Loch Ard Statistics *The Loch Ard was a three-masted square-rigged iron clipper ship. *Built in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1873. *It was 262 feet 7 inches long and had a beam of 38 feet 3 inches. *It had left Gravesend, England, on March 1, 1878, with 54 passengers and crew and cargo valued at more than $100,000. *Three months into what had been an uneventful trip, disaster struck early on June 1, 1878.