Mandatory detention: should the needs of the individual or the needs of the state be given priority? when? why?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Mandatory detention is a recurring problem in Australia due to its detention centres, lacking care of detainees, border protection and the overriding needs of state to that of the individual. The needs of the individual have to be prioritised to maintain Australia as being a global civil society, based on ethical responsibilities to better Australia's future. Although, this does not occur in our society. The needs of State, being the needs of Australia as a …

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…from happening in the first place. These needs of individuals have to be tended to so that the fundamental human rights can be obtained by these detainees, giving them a decent chance at living which they do not have in their home countries. To improve the current status and condition of the detainees would create somewhat a justice to the fear of persecution in their own country, and give Australians a better sense of morality.