"Manchester: Industrialization and Growth"

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Essay Database > History > European History
"Identify the issues raised by the growth of Manchester and analyze the various reactions to those issues over the course of the nineteenth century." Background: Manchester, England, became a leading textile manufacturing center soon after its first large mechanized cotton mill was built in 1780. Its population increased from 18,000 in 1750 to over 300,000 by the census of 1851, much of this made up of the working class and immigrants. In the 1832 Reform Bill, Manchester was granted representation in …

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…story as to how it happened, and if they had a good reason. The same thing goes for that of the time. The social reformers thought Manchester was a horrible sight, as did the visitors. The owners and government officials usually said that they saw Manchester as a good place because they were making the money. From the workers stand point - they had a job - they didn't like it, but they had one.