Managing Quality while Outsourcing: How much needs to be compromised? - Aseem Jain

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Anybody awake knows Moore's Law--or should. At a constant price point, computer chips get twice as good every 18 to 24 months. That's not exactly what Gordon Moore wrote in 1965 when he laid down his law. Physicists don't use words like "good." No, Moore was thinking about transistor densities on silicon chips. But during the 1980s, thanks to the amazing rise of the personal computer, Moore's Law took on a larger meaning. It became the symbol for …

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…days later you start looking at concepts. You can also order cards and stationery. Designers love it for the following reasons: They never have to meet with the clients; payment is immediate; they can work at home, day or night, with total flexibility; they can make $100 per design. That may be peanuts to a Madison Avenue pro, but not to a youngster making his or her mark. Logoworks has 10,000 customers and has been profitable since 2002.