Managing Conflict Using Problem Solving.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Managing Conflict Using Problem-SolvingConflict resolution is an essential skill for all managers, especially in the Human Resource arena. Where else but in Human Resources can you find a multitude of personalities and a diversity of viewpoints? The word "conflict" can bring many different ideas and thoughts to mind. We often think of hostility, aggression, withdrawal, power struggles, and opposition. Just the mention of the word can make us uneasy. Most people can probably recall a …

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…amp; Towne, N. (Eds.). Looking Out / Looking In: Interpersonal Communication. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. 1987.Dunn, D. Getting Results: A Guide To Effective Leadership. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. 1989.Goodbar, K. Managing Conflict. Teen Community Leadership Notebook. 1989.Leadership Skills You'll Never Outgrow. The Ohio State University. 1989.Leading In The Future. University of Hawaii Cooperative Extension. 1989.Miller-Heyl, J.L. Dare To Be You. CES. Colorado State University. 1995Resolving Differences. Michigan State University Cooperative Extension. 2001.