Management or Control? The use of Performance Measurement in the Public Sector

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Introduction This report considers performance measurement as applied to the public sector as part of the new public management agenda. Key to the discussion is the selection and use of performance indicators. The paper attempts to set out the principles of performance measurement, offer explanations of why public sector performance is measured, as well as looking at different approaches. Some problems are identified and finally using a local government case study performance measurement is placed …

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…Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 9 No. 5/6 1996, pp. 125-137. Isaac-Henry, Kester, Painter, Chris, Barnes, Chris. eds. Management in the Public Sector: Challenge and Change. 1997. London. Chapman and Hall. Johnson, Gerry, Scholes, Kevan. eds.2001. Exploring public sector strategy. Harlow. Pearson Education Ltd. Osborne, David, Gaebler, Ted. Reinventing government. 1993. New York. Penguin. Ranson, Stewart, Stewart, John. Management for the public domain. 1994. London. MacMillan. Wilson, John, Hinton, Peter. eds. Public services in the 1990's. 1993. Wirral. Tudor Business Publishing.