Management Process and how this is a key element in running a successfull business is a well-developed management department

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Management Processes One of the key elements in running a successful business is a well-developed management department. Organizations cannot simply run by themselves, nor achieve their main goals by themselves either. That is why many successful organizations, such as McDonalds, Rockwell Automation, and General Motors hire managers that use what is called the management processes, which consists of four basic functions- planning, organizing, leading, and controlling to help run their companies. The managers of Lake …

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…Without proper structure of the managing processes you can see how quickly a company can fall apart because of misguided planning, organizing, leading, and controlling elements in running a well-managed business. The only question is for LSIS, is that, "has this misguided man agent gone on to far, to salvage a dream?" BIBLIOGRAPY University of Phoenix (Ed.). (2002). Management: Theory, Practice, and Application [University of Phoenix Custom Edition e-text]. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Custom Publishing.