Management Principles in Practice: An Interview with an IT Director.

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In this paper, I attempt to determine if the principles we are learning in class apply in real life by conducting an interview with an IT manager. The subject is Rick MacDonald, who is the director of Systems and Operations at Cornell Information Technologies, which serves a significant amount of the computing needs of Cornell University. MacDonald has been working at Cornell University for eleven years and in his current position for five years. Organizational …

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…-112. Likert, Renais. (1967). The Human Organization. New York: McGraw-Hill. Perrow, Charles. (1973). "The Short and Glorious History of Organizational Theory." Organizational Dynamics, 3(1): Summer 1973, pp. 3-15. "Twiki: An Enterprise Collaboration Platform." Williams, Chuck et al. (2002). Management Principles for Information Professionals: IST 614. Mason, OH: South-Western College Publishing/Thomson Learning. Appendix Figure 1- Graphical overview of CIT (Source: Figure 2 - Organization Chart of Systems Operations at CIT (Source: CIT internal documents)