Man or Boy?

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Man or Boy? Telemakhos Can't Decide Many boys who grow up without a father lack the direction and insight gained only through having a masculine role model. Such a boy is introduced in Homers' epic tale The Odyssey as Telemakhos, Odysseus' son. In the beginning of the story, Homer portrays Telemakhos as a timid and passive person who has not the strength to run out the suitors who have taken over his house. However, in …

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…take responsibility for his land. At a glance, this passage where Telemakhos gives his mother orders may seem uneventful. In actuality, this is a turning point in the boys' life because he publicly acknowledges for the first time he is a man. Being the man of the house means that Telemakhos has responsibilities and obligations especially to his father. Later in the story one sees just how Telemakhos will fulfill the duties his title entails.