Malevichs red square

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Max Blythe Humanities LaMoure MWF 8-9 Red Square The painting Red Square by Russian painter Kasimir Malevich is a particularly interesting piece. It is simple red square on a white background representing a peasant woman. It is an example of the Malevich's unique style of suprematism, which focuses on motion and feeling. The painting was done near the beginning of the twentieth century when science was developing at a rapid rate. Einstein's Theory of Relativity …

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…The white space is to isolate her from the rest of the world and focus only on her. The Red Square is a fairly revolutionary painting. One complex subject is rendered down to a single geometric shape and color. The main point of the painting is to express the dynamic movement and pure sensation of the subject. This is what Malevich was trying to get across instead of painting another pretty picture of real life.