Malcom X

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Malcom X MALCOM X THE TRUE HERO OF AFRICAN AMERICANS. WITH HIS LONG-TERM VISION BEING DISTORTED BY MARTIN LUTHER KING.JR, AND HIS DISIPLES OF MASS DISTRUCTION OF THE GOOD BLACK PEOPLE LIVING IN THE UNITED STATES AND PERSONS EVERY WHERE. Malcom X and his contribution to the world. Malcom X born Malcom Little was a very deviant youth with a criminal out look on life in his young years. Then when he was locked …

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…own people who sold us out. My hero truly being Malcom X. He will one day sit upon that seat of famous people like Albert Einstein, Mozart, Michael Angelo, and so on. Because he was ahead of his time. In this corrupt world all the wrong heroes are put forth to the public. One day after all these evil people disappear. We will see who were the true heroes of this century, the true contributors.