"Make it new", said Ezra Pound. What was new in Modernist lio

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"Make it new", said Ezra Pound. What was new in Modernist poetry? Modernism was a complex movement, including many unique and varied features in its odd period of development in European and American writers. Broadly and retrospectively, four features were common; experimentation, anti-realism, intellectualism and individualism, although excellent Modernist poets can be found that only partly fulfil these requirements. As well as Ezra Pound many poets and other writers came to light including T.S …

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…lt;Tab/>Lawrence D.H. 'A Woman and her Dead Husband'. http://www.bartleby.com/265/181.html. Last visited 07.12.04. *<Tab/>Levenson, M.H. A Genealogy of Modernism, (1988). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. *<Tab/>Scully, J. (ed) Modern Poets on Modern Poetry, (1977) William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd: Glasgow. *<Tab/>Yeats, W.B. 'Second Coming' in Easter 1916 and Other Poems 1997 Dover Publishing Ltd