Make a comparative study between the passionate shepherd to his love and the nymph's reply to the marufa sultana

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In the passionate shepherd the speaker is shepherd and in nymph's reply here the speaker is the nymph the young girl. The address is the shepherd. In the passionate shepherd here the shepherd offers his beloved many things. But nymph's analysis's these things with reality. In nymphs reply, *Alliteration- ex: "flocks from field to fold" *repition of initial consonant sounds- ex: "flowers" and "fade", "wayward" and "winter", "spring" and "sorrow", "fancy" and "fall". Rhyme skip …

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…line personifies spring and fall by giving them human attributes such as a tongue and a heart, as well as making them fancy and sorrowful. The images in this poem are what make the poem great. They make the reader understand the realist point of view of the nymph. This point of view also helps to understand " The Passionate Shepherd to His Love". The two are such contrasts, yet they play off each other well.