Make a case for both American and Soviet responsibility for the outbreak of the Cold War.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Even before the end of World War II, in which the United States and the Soviet Union had fought together as allies, there were signs of tension between the two nations. Once the hostilities were over, those tensions quickly grew to create what became known as a "Cold War" - a tense and dangerous rivalry that would cast its shadow over international affairs for decades. Both the United States and Soviet Union were responsible for …

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…Union should have completely resolved their disagreements at Yalta and Potsdam to avoid disagreement at a later date. Both sides lacked trust in each other and were only concerned with their own interests. The Berlin blockade and airlift greatly agitated both sides. If both the United States and the Soviet Union had taken more time to clearly settle their disputes, the Cold War could have been avoided and decades of tension could have been eased.