Major issues for America after the civil war untill 1900

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Changes in American Life After the civil war America had extreme changes in the way it functioned as a society. The west was being developed which, in turn, drove the Native Americans out. Business was booming which caused hardship with farmers, and foreigners were flooding into America with hopes of a better life. Though the people of this era may have not known at the time, they were shaping America into what would become the …

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showed last 75 words of 1967 total
…days we are displacing more wildlife than ever and pollution is becoming greater in suburbs than in cities nowadays. Hopefully we can look at the past and correct our habits before it becomes detrimental. Towards the end of the nineteenth century many changes occurred that shaped America into what it is today. Through the development of the west to the growth of big business all aspects of American life were dramatically different through the 1900's.