Major events and effects on American Economy 1990-2004 including Enron, 911, immigration, outsourcing, bush tax cut, internet, and statistical info. vanderbilt

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Major Events in American Economy: 1990- Present 5.7.04 Universidad de La Serena Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Ecónomia Ingenería Comercial FACTS ABOUT THIS DECADE Population: 281,421,906 (2000 Census) Unemployment: 5.8 million, or 4.2% (Sept 99) National Debt: $5,413.l Million (1997) Average Salary: $13.37/hr (1999) Teacher's Salary: $39,347 (1998) Minimum Wage: $5.15/hr (1997) Life Expectancy: Male 73.1 Female 79.1(1997) Auto Deaths: 49,772 (1997) 1990 Economy / Prices -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Economy President: George Bush Vice President: Dan Quayle Population: 249,438,712 Life expectancy: 75.4 years Dow-Jones High: 3,000 Low: 2,365 Federal spending: $1252.52 …

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…have all shaped where we are now. Baby boomers and college grads alike found themselves struggling to find work in the late 90's. The internet wave took many tech workers for a great ride and then ended in a crash. Military effort has been almost constant touching Africa, the Caribbean, the Middle East, and Europe. My economy is looking up at the moment, and hopefully will continue on that path for my eminent career search.