Major character analysis of "The Scarlet Letter".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In "The Scarlet letter" Nathaniel Hawthorne writes about sin, the nature of evil, an individual's identity in society and the human condition by weaving all of these conditions in to his characters and thereby creating the plot in his novel. In his novel Hawthorne uses the repressive, authoritarian puritan society as an analogue for human kind in general. The puritan setting also enables Hawthorne to portray the human soul under extreme pressure. In the Scarlet …

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…But she is able to pass on the hope of a coming freedom to younger generations of women. Therefore the lessons of this tragic novel of love are to look at dilemmas faced by all passionate individuals in a morally conflicting and confusing world. And also in any age where love is sacrificed to law, and the appearance of purity masks evil, Hester Prynne's story would hold meaning speaking of grief, joy, happiness and success.