Mahatma Gandhi

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Mahatma Gandhi was considered the father of India. His name means "Great Soul." Mahatma Gandhi was a peaceful man. The people of India loved and respected him. Mahatme Gandhi a was very religious and political man. Gandhi was born in 1869 to Hindu parents in the state of Guharat in western India. He entered an arranged marriage with Kasturbai Makanji when they were thirteen years old. His family later sent him to London to study law, …

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…to the brink of death. In January 1948, at the age of 79, he was killed by an assissin as he walked through a crowed garden in New Delhi to take evening prayers. Mahatma Gandhi became famous over his years. He was very peaceful and he treated others with a lot of respect which was why people liked him so much. Gandhi was loved by the people because he was the only one who fought for them.