"Maggie: a Girl of the Streets" by Stephen Crane - captures the hardships of immigrants

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Essay Database > Literature
America is known for being the "melting pot" of the world. This is because so many immigrants come here from all different places in the world, making America the most diverse country. Immigrants come here for many different reasons: new job opportunities, religious and political freedom, and wealth. What they found when they got here, though, was not exactly what they expected. Stephen Crane's Maggie: A Girl of The Streets captures the hardships that immigrants …

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…a prostitute, wandering the streets, and then commits suicide because she basically has nothing to live for. The abuse and environment that Maggie was exposed to her entire life ultimately leads to her death. Sadly, deaths were not uncommon in this time. Weather it was mothers killing their children because they couldn't afford to keep them, or people like Maggie who just realized that it was the only way out, many innocent people were killed.