Maestro Review, Author: Peter Goldsworthy

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Maestro Review Maestro was written in 1989 by a talented South Australian writer named Peter Goldsworthy. It tells the tale of changes and a mutual close bonding between a young 15 year old student named Paul, and his arrogant and drunk pianist teacher, Eduard Keller. The book is a 149 page novel, which proves to be quite readable for teenagers despite the fact that the words used in the novel are a bit difficult, Goldsworthy makes up for …

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…to Keller, you don't have the opportunity for yourself to think about what happened. Despite that one flaw I found in the novel, it is definitely a book I'd recommend anyone to read, because Goldsworthy teaches us a few valuable things in life, that you need to be sincere in whatever you do, and that you always have to try, and experience, then you will succeed, or at least be happy at what you've got.