Madame Bovary, Technique of Impersonality

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary, published in 1856, was a great success in spite of many accusations that it promoted immorality. Although it was a story of middle class life in a French province it is writing style in which Madam Bovary was composed, not the main theme in the novel, that demands particular attention. This novel continues to be a great controversy with the readers because of the unique fashion in which it was written, which …

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…cited Barnes, Hazel and Harold Bloom. Modern Critical Interpretations: Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary. New York: 1988. Brombert, Victor. The Novels of Flaubert: A Study of Theme and Techniques. New Jersey: 1966. Buck, Stratton. Gustave Flaubert: Survey of the Worlds Literature. New York: 1966. Gans, Eric. Madam Bovary: The End of Romance. Boston: 1989. Heath, Stephen. Landmarks of World Literature: Flaubert, Madame Bovary. New York: 1992. "Works of Gustave Flaubert: Analyses of Characters." Simon & Schuster, Inc. Electric Library. Online. 1990.