Madaline as a Vampire

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
A noisy squeak, a sudden light, a flying bat and a deadly bite - the fate of every vampire's victim. These creatures, concealed by the veil of the night, are one of the most terrifying offspring of the Evil World. Nobody knows whether they are part of the shocking reality or just a scary legend but after the notorious Graff Dracula, the fear of Carpathian mountain mystique beings controls the minds of the people. Their …

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…already dead. Her sickness is unexplainable - Madeline is senseless. She can't feel anything just like dead people. On the other hand, she is very strong. When she is locked in the casket, she has the strength to go out. This is another characteristic of a vampire because it's impossible for normal people to do this. That's why the description of Madaline and her actions confirm that Poe describes in his story a vampire behavior.