Machu Picchu - Information on Economic Patterns, Geographic Influences, Art and Architecture, Religion and Values, and Social and Political Organization

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Machu Picchu Economic Patterns: The Inca empire developed an economy based on an intensive terracing of mountain slopes and irrigation. The Incas did not have money as such. They used barter and traded goods for other goods. Workers got labour credit, which was work paid for in goods or food. The Inca leaders kept records of what each family in the empire produced. The Incas main crops were potatoes, sweet potatoes, maize, and chili peppers. …

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…Very clearly, this mountaintop was a focal point of worship for a civilized, non-western culture that had a mystical connection with nature and respect for the sanctity of the environment. Arts and crafts, weaving, carving, pottery, stone works, gold work and metallurgy. The Incas produced amazing craftwork that ranged from images of gods to items of every day use. They made beautiful objects of gold. The chosen women made fine cloth woven with amazing designs.