Macbeth was given ideas when he received the prophecies and the apparitions.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
<Tab/>Do you think Macbeth would have done what he did if he didn't hear about the prophecy. Macbeth was given ideas when he received the prophecies and the apparitions. He became very ambitious and thought about murder. He also had a sense of arrogance. <Tab/>The idea of ambition was brought up when he was given the prophecy that eventually he will become King. Before the …

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…the witches urged him to kill, to think very highly of himself that he could be the next king and made him think he was invincible that no one would be able to defeat him. Macbeth was brave, courageous and loyal. He was a man with great potential and he could've been great. The witches were ones responsible for all his actions. They showed Macbeth the prophecies and drove him to do what he did.