Macbeth by Shakespeare -tragic hero

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
<Tab/>Aristotle's definition of a tragic hero fits Macbeth very well. In Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, Macbeth has all of the characteristics that are needed to be a tragic hero. Macbeth is a man of great potential and is a man of noble birth, he has a tragic flaw with a downfall and moment of recognition, and also creates cathartic feelings of fear and sadness. These qualities that he possesses …

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…moment of recognition, and creates cathartic feelings. Macbeth chose the wrong path for himself by choosing to follow the path of his ambition and greed. He ends up killing the king, killing innocent people including women and children, completely losing his morality and sanity, losing love for his wife, and eventually losing his own life. All that he worked for is reversed as a result of his weakness, and his tragic flaw ultimately kills him.