"Macbeth": Shakespeare.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
*Summary of Each Act* Act I. Loud and bright scary with fright or thunder and lightening begins this act. The first characters we meet are the three witches who symbolize evil, which is what this play is all about. King Duncan, the king of Scotland, gives Macbeth, who killed Macdonald, the title, Thane of Cawdor. Now back to the witches. One has been killing pigs; another is getting revenge on the captain's wife for not …

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…hears women screaming because of Lady Macbeth's death. The evilness has robbed him of his humanness. "Die with harness on his back." -Macbeth says he accepts that fact that he's going to die but won't go without a fight of he'll beg for forgiveness. This shows us how Macbeth is a tragic hero. "I bear a charmed life." -Macbeth is saying rules don't apply to him and kings aren't held to same standards as others.